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your first $200K from top startup operators or brutal honest feedback

Supporting founders from the very first step.

Every revolutionary idea has its genesis, its Day Zero. From the first scribble on a napkin to late-night brainstorming sessions, the inception of world-changing ventures often begins in quiet, unnoticed moments. Just as Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak started in a garage, the most transformative journeys commence with a single, unyielding step.


Embarking on this path demands more than just passion. It demands foundational support even before the world acknowledges the vision. That's where we come in. At Day Zero, we're not just investors; we are your earliest partners, believing in you when your dream is still taking shape. We're here to guide and back you from the very inception, ensuring you're never alone on this journey.


We've partnered with:

Spry Health - assists physical therapists in the US to bring better patient outcomes (backed by Together Fund, Eight Roads)

Exponent.Energy - unlocks 15-minute rapid charging for EVs (backed by Lightspeed, Eight Roads)

Rapid claims - helps medical practitioners reduce administrative costs and improve reimbursements (backed byTogether Fund)

Chatty bao - helps local mom & pop stores sell online (backed by InfoEdge & Vertex Ventures)

Go Supernova - helps kids practice English using generative AI (backed by Lumikai, Kae Capital)

Requestly - helps build, test & debug your web apps faster (backed by YC, Sequoia Surge)

Byte Beam - helps monitor and update IoT devices over the air (backed by Accel, Together Fund)

Binks - a fashion brand catering needs of Indian women body type (backed by YC, 3one4)

Riyalto - helps jewellers from designs to manufacturing end to end (backed by Riverwalk VC)


Fable - helps create stunning interactive demos in 5 minutes (backed by SuperMorpheous)

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